Saturday, August 21, 2021

How to Get Rosetta Stone on Your Phone or Tablet and GET CREDIT!

Hey everyone!

Check out this video about how to use the Rosetta Stone app on your phone or tablet.  Please note that not all lessons are on the app so you will still need to use the computer to make sure you get all 33 completed!

Many of my students love to work on Rosetta Stone outside of the school day as that frees up some of their class time. Like I said above, you CANNOT access all of the lessons on the app so you will need to allow some class time to get those taken care of.

This video is not new, but it has the most important components on it!

My cat will not let me work!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Hello!  My name is Katie Creeger and I will be your Spanish teacher for this semester/year.  I know you are all excited about the new school year, right?  I mean, because everyone is always excited to come back from vacation!  :)  HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to share some information about me and then I would like you to please fill out the link I have here to tell me a little about yourself and the best ways I can get in touch with you. Getting to Know You 

I've already told you my name and you can guess that I am a Spanish teacher. I am also a Dean of Students during the school day for a high school in the DFW area. I do a lot of things related to Spanish as well, and I just love teaching Spanish to all ages!

This summer I was able to travel some. After COVID, it has all been super challenging! We traveled to Hawaii, Nashville and Seattle. It was so wonderful to be out and about again!
 This is my husband and I.  He  earned his doctorate so he is now Dr. Creeger. :) He does consulting and travels around the US to help schools perform "better".  Here I was rocking out to "Shut Up and Dance" and he was laughing at me. It was my favorite song a few summers ago! We have a lot of fun traveling and hanging out. He loves basketball and used to play for the University of Dallas. I tolerate his watching a million games as he tolerates my obsession with football and baseball. My oldest son, Jared, is a junior at UNT and majoring in broadcast journalism. He literally just moved out this past week and I'm kind of a basket case.  My youngest son, Drew, is a freshman in high school and he is blessed to attend the same school where I work. WOOOOO! Look out world! He swims competitively and plays water polo. He just started doing that in February of this year. He LOVES it.

This is my kitty, Shadow.  He is eight years old and he is a total mess.  He is spoiled and is really sweet.  He was right up in my face here and purring.  He is a total character and he makes us all laugh. He likes to hang out on my desk while I work. This summer he decided it would be fun to balance on the back of my chair, while I sit in it.

So, that is a little bit about me-- there is more on my profile here so check it out there too.  All I can say is, "GO SEAHAWKS!"  I have been a fan of theirs since 1982 so I am no bandwagon fan!  :)

OK, your turn!  Please click on that orange hyperlink and tell me all about yourself!  I look forward to reading those and getting to know all of you this semester!